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Tourist Board registration of Paloma Beach Apartments
Paloma Beach Apartments Tourist Board Registration
Paloma Beach Apartments are registered with the Canarian Tourist Board as "Paloma Beach - Parkes" and has a category of 3 Star Apartments. This was granted in February 2013 after being previously ranked at 1 key from the initial registration in 1989.

According to the Cabildo (Tourist Board) Paloma Beach Apartments complies with all of the requirements of the latest and all existing tourist laws including; Ley 7/1995 and Decreto 142/2010 relating to tourist standards in the Canary Islands.

As license holders for Paloma Beach Apartments, we are the only company authorized to market the apartments commercially for tourist use and have 145 of the 234 apartments registered with the tourist board, this equals almost 62% which more than reaches the legal requirements of 50%+1 of the resort units (as required by article 38 of 7/1995).

Any properties not included in the license holders registration are not authorised for tourist activity and the owners of any such units are open to fines of 18,000 euros or more from the tourist board inspectors.

Any company or individual found to be marketing illegal un-registered apartments on Paloma Beach will be reported to the inspection authority.

We also do not work with any timeshare or co-ownership style holiday clubs.
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